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shin kyung-rim中文是什么意思

用"shin kyung-rim"造句"shin kyung-rim"怎么读"shin kyung-rim" in a sentence


  • 申庚林


  • In an e - mail interview with the korea times , shin kyung - rim , dean of the college of nursing science at ewha women ' s univesity , said the loss of the nurses to the u . s . would not adversely affect nursing in korea , as there is an adequate number of nurses here
    梨花女子大学护理学院院长申庚林(音译) ,在接受《韩国时报》电子邮件访问时表示,韩国护士外流到美国不会伤害韩国的护理业,因为韩国有充足数量的护士。
用"shin kyung-rim"造句  
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